My journey with flutter weekly Diary (week 3)

My journey with flutter weekly Diary (week 3)

Flutter is pretty much an interesting frame work that allows you to be able to think logically whilst using the power of your imagination to achieve your layout objectives . This week was about using layout widgets in building the user I terrace of your application Using the stateless widget with the short cut stless and hitting the enter key this immediately sets up the stateless widget for you that comes with a build method allowing you to use the hot reload (write about it in my previous blog) this function allows us to view changes made to our app layouts via our emulators withing the build method in a fraction of the time we usually will take to load the app . It basically reduces the time used in the total cycle of building our applications (Now that's a big relief).

Back to our layout widgets, flutter allows you to create the UI by nesting elements within elements . There are two types of layout widgets

  1. The single Child layout widgets this usually has a single child nested within it a d the mist commonly used single child widget is the container widget (works as the div element I. Html and CSS), usually an Emory container with the child property .
  2. Multi child layout widgets, these usually have children nested within them and column examples are the rows and columns these two allow for rows to be nested withing Columns and columns withing rows and on and on . This allows for full flexibility in designing our app layout we can also add properties like paddings and margins using the mainaxisAlaignmet and the crossaxisAlignment widget properties . This allows us to be able to alright our rows and columns and Futher style them with great flexibility . The widget properties also allow us to change properties withing the widgets such as background colour font weight font style etc The widget for this section was a business card layout app that can be checked by using the circle avatar widget as well las rows and columns including the icon widgets which are basically Custom icons that can be used to represent information such as contact , email and a host of other things flutter also has the card and title class that makes it easier to achieve this busines card app . It was an interesting week for me learning and getting used to every too and interface I have to work with if you ask me I would say flutter is both interesting and tasking and is definitely worth my time and possibly your as well. My next post wil one on adding functionality and using the dart language in our flutter application. But till then enjoy this and drop your comments as well .